Welcome to The JW Project

How are you feeling today? What made you feel this way? How are you feeling overall? How long have you held in this thought?

These are questions that one should ask themselves to understand their mental health: why you think, react, and feel the way that you do.

We feel a multitude of emotions and have a multitude of thoughts throughout our day and it’s not often that we stop to think about them or dig deep to its roots of why. Some people go on to bottle these thoughts and feelings and never process them.

Nowadays we hear that writing is one of the best things that we can do for ourselves to process these thoughts and feelings. It helps us to think about our actions, life goals and to understand who we are.

But then, it’s that little thought that pops into our heads that stops us from putting that pencil to paper, “well, I’m not really good at writing” and “I was never really good at writing in school.”

Here at The JW Project we want to bring mental health awareness to all through the art of creative writing, a little something different than your schools’ English classes.

The simple expression of creative writing can bring us so many wonderful things in life, which is why we encourage you all to write for the betterment of yourselves. Research has proven that creative writing is beneficial and motivational.

“Writing has helped to give me better insight on to what I want to do in the future…in my mind I had so much to sort through on what I needed to do to get to where I wanted,” Brandon Serna, The JW Project Marketing Manager said, “once I started to sort out all my thoughts by writing it helped me build the ladder I needed to get to where I’m going.”

The use of expressive writing also improves a person’s mood, well-being, and reduces stress levels for those who engage in it regularly.

Ronnie Medrano, The JW Project Co-Director said, “When I look into my journal and see what I have wrote in the past, I can see how much I developed…there are times when I journal, the feelings still linger, but it’s not as strong.”

Writing can be whatever we want it to be, and always keep this in mind, paper can never judge you for letting you write all that you may need. We write to be able to see our perspectives and have better reasoning for everything around us.

When we see that writing not only helps us to understand what makes us who we are, we also see how it makes us feel good.

“When I put my personal feelings into my writing it impacts me in the way that I feel like I can feel my emotions,” said Anna D’Arcy The JW Project Media Manager, “I need to take the time to address it and writing helps me to acknowledge that.”

Angelo Samson, The JW Project Co-director, said “The personal motivation was there when I wrote, it granted me clarity to see my goals…writing makes me feel very refreshed.”

The JW Project’s purpose is to encourage you all to do the same for yourselves and finding that will to achieve your greatness.

You have seen now how we are also responsible for also working within ourselves and we write with you, to inspire you. We hope to create a safe space for you all to grow and freely express yourselves.

Welcome to The JW Project.

Written by Leslie Valle